Exercise: Want vs Should

If you follow me on twitter, you’ve seen my tweets about my anguish over whether or not to continue going to Crossfit.  As much as I love the intensity, I don’t think my body can handle 4-6x a week (as much as I would like it to), so I decided to email my Crossfit box to decrease my membership again (I switched from unlimited to 13x a month for May as I was going to be on leave for a good portion of the month).

Well, after getting a very snarky email reply, I started seriously considering quitting. Especially after I received a reply tweet from Leslie saying a similar thing happened to her friend. She and I chatted about the CF ‘cult-like culture’ making me feel like I am not as committed as I should be. Even though I know each box is different, recently I have been feeling this pressure and becoming more frustrated.  Workouts were becoming more stressful with how much I should be doing vs what I want to be doing.  (And yes I know not all workouts will be sunshine and daisies).

'Yummy' airport snack?  NOT

My feelings exactly for crossfit recently.

Adding fuel to my growing CF-distaste-fire, my mojo has been off, I’ve been going less frequently, and I actually get anxious and stressed about going.  It doesn’t help that I have an hour between work and CF to stew about a workout (yes I realize I have strange anxiety issues).

I read a really interesting article about why someone hasn’t tried CF yet (and doesn’t plan to), and I think I may have gotten caught up in the fad she explains. While I love the intensity and group inspiration during workouts, I really don’t like the CF culture that is ‘crossfit is the only way to workout.’ Sometimes I just don’t have the energy for an entire hour of intensity/weights/craziness. Sometimes I just want to do a dvd/go for a run/just do yoga. Sometimes, I want to skip a workout entirely and do what my body wants- REST. (Insert audible gasp here)

Patty all snuggled :)

Resting like Patty here 🙂

Initially I thought I had to go every day since I was paying so much and I wanted a ripped Crossfit body. I know it’s only been a short time and I can’t be discouraged by non-immediate results. I must focus on what I have accomplished-I have been lifting heavier/getting stronger/muscles getting firmer/etc. But I don’t know if I can be one of those people totally addicted to CF- their whole lives consumed by it- they hang out with just CF people, talk nothing but RX and PR and the ‘girls,’ and eat only paleo. I usually get caught up in fads for a while then go to something else (whole30, repeat breakfasts, running). I was hoping CF would have cured my exercise ADD, but I think its just my personality to want to keep changing things to do what I want to do- which is how exercise should be, right?

Here’s a novel idea: exercise should be what we want to do vs what we should do.

With that said, I came home from work last Wednesday itching for a good sweat session.  Since I was still a little miffed with CF (yes I am immature), I decided to make up my own workout- doing what I want to do. Here’s the workout I did and posted yesterday:

Work it WorkoutI finished in roughly 30 minutes and felt totally accomplished.  Want to make it even more sweaty? Simply make sure your gym has the AC turned off during a heatwave!! 🙂

After chatting with friends and the bf about it, ruminating about it for days, considering all the pros (feel great after each workout, getting stronger, encouraging atmosphere, challenging workout), and cons (price, distance once I move, email, increasing cult-like atmosphere, loss of mojo), I decided to quit my membership (all you dedicated Crossfit goers, insert your shock and shame face here).

scaredAlthough I can financially afford it, I am moving in with my bf soon and want to save as much money as I can so I can pay off my student loans as fast as possible.  I plan to join the bf’s gym which offers bootcamp and bodypump classes, as well as continuing my own Crossfit-like workouts.  Now that I know what the intensity should feel like, the right way to perform lifts and other Crossfit moves, I think I can continue and stay fit for a fraction of the cost- and the anxiety!

That’s all the heavy-ness I have for you today.  Thoughts?  Am I silly to quit? Have you ever agonized over quitting something?

Rock on lovers 🙂

Scenes from the Weekend and a New Workout!

Hello and happy Marvelous Monday lovers!!  Hope you had a great weekend!  Mine was pretty fantastic with a great mix of relaxation, a concert and a movie, as well as some friend and family time!  Here are the scenes from the weekend!

Friday I went out for my daily walk outside and stumbled upon the elusive dancing man!  I haven’t seen him in a while, but he stands on street corners with headphones dancing and singing.  I want whatever he eats for breakfast!  I envy his boldness to dance in public!

Blog Photos May 2013 003I stumbled upon this granola from Kind and have been snacking on it all weekend! It is amazing!

kind granolaSuper crunchy and with really big clusters!! I Love me some clusters 🙂

Friday night the bf and I met up with a couple friends for happy hour at the Brixton on U St downtown.  I’m not a big drinker but this drink, the Groggs, sounded good! It had Appleton V/X Rum, lime, and sugar.  It hit the spot on such a warm evening! Plus, the rooftop bar was so cool!

Blog Photos May 2013 005And look- I saw Schmidt’s twin at the bar!  Crazy!

Blog Photos May 2013 006Saturday morning I woke up early and hit my apartment gym for a fantastic sweaty circuit/crossfit workout. I completed this workout after work Wednesday when my vacation jetlag finally subsided.

Work it Workout

If you need a new workout give this one a go! I was a sweaty mess and felt so accomplished after!  Plus, nothing gets you going like this song while swinging that kettle bell!

Blog Photos May 2013 007I took a couple selfies while doing some bridge and plank work to finish out my circuit workout!

bridge plankI also got a little creative with a photo app on my iPhone 🙂

After my workout I showered and made a light breakfast- leaving room for Saturday Farmers Market sampling and brunch with my momma and nephew!

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My nephew and I plus Old Town Alexandria Farmers Market!

After I inhaled a delicious iced coffee, we stocked up on fresh fruit and veggies.  Check out the haul!

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We stashed our haul in the car before hitting Le Madeline for brunch.  I have seen this restaurant several times and always wanted to try it.  Their brunch was pretty good!

Blog Photos May 2013 017I had oatmeal with berries, my mom had their eggs benedict, and my nephew (the weirdo non-breakfast-food-for-brunch fan) had chicken pesto pasta. I also ordered crepes Romanoff to share. The crepes had a cinnamon and rum-laced cream with strawberries.  It was heaven!

After saying goodbye to my momma and nephew and relaxing a bit, I had some yogurt ‘soup’ with hemp hearts.  I like my yogurt a little liquidy, so I add a splash of unsweetened almond milk and some hemp hearts for crunch. Yum!Blog Photos May 2013 021I relaxed a bit before picking up the bf and heading to the movies to see Star Trek. Yes, I am a proud Trekkie 🙂 The movie was really good!  I highly recommend it- even for non-Trekkies, it was really entertaining!

We had a quick dinner from the hot bar at Whole Foods.  I was so hungry I forgot to snap a photo.  But lots off good stuff was had! Good thing there is no Whole Foods within walking distance, I would have their salad bar every day!

After dinner the bf and I headed straight to Jiffy Lube Live to see Tim McGraw!  Yup, a Trekkie and closet country fan!  Don’t judge me 🙂

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Love him 🙂

I was so excited to see a froyo booth at the arena I just had to have it!!

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Can’t say no to froyo 🙂

Then I met up with my friend A and her friend D for the concert!

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Country fans 🙂

And check out that sunset!  The photo doesn’t do it justice!

Blog Photos May 2013 028Craptastic camera phone photo 🙂

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I was actually kind of disappointed with Tim McGraw- he only sang a couple songs I knew, and none of the popular ones.  We actually heard all my favorites on the radio on the drive back from the concert!  But I loved his opening act Brantley Gilbert!

Sunday morning I woke up craving the breakfast I had almost every day in Mexico- egg whites with jam, yogurt and granola.  Plus, organic coffee I got in Mexico (in the South Africa mug I got for the bf 🙂 ) Simple perfection!!

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Perfect Sunday Breakfast

I spent the rest of the evening doing chores and relaxing.  It was a very Marvelous Weekend!

Do anything fun this weekend?  What was your last concert?  What is your favorite Sunday morning Breakfast?

Rock on lovers 🙂

A Day in My Life

Hello lovers and Happy Friday!  As you read this I will be boarding a plane headed to Blend Retreat!!  I still can’t believe I won the giveaway and am headed to Park City, Utah to meet some of the most amazing and inspiring bloggers I read on a daily basis.  I am SO incredibly excited and nervous- what if they don’t like me?  What if I don’t make any friends?  I know it sounds silly, but I am super anxious to make a good impression while still being my quirky self.  And of course I hope to learn a lot, network and make a ton of new amazing friends, and enjoy the whole retreat in Park City!


Since today will not be my typical work Friday, I wanted to share with you a day in my life- what I do from breakfast to bedtime.  Especially since I am not able to be online as much to comment on blogs (thanks government job), I thought you’d like to see what I do everyday!  Warning- it’s not very thrilling!

5:47am  Alarm goes off. Annoying intro to DC101 plays. Instantly get out of bed to turn that crap off. (DC area friends you know what I’m talking about).

5:50am Feel like this:

cam diazSource

6:00am  Quickly make something of my super-fine/thin hair.  Try to impress coworkers with makeup skills.

6:06am  Realize I have no makeup skills.  Feel like Jenna Marbles doing the drunk makeup tutorial.  Except I am sober.

jenna marblesSource

End up doing normal makeup routine.

6:15am  Finish the ‘do and face.  Get dressed.

6:17am  Forget deodorant.  Rush to put on.

6:19am  Ensure I have everything packed- badge, lunch, phone, book.

6:20am  Head out to catch metrobus.

6:21am  Realize forgot part of my lunch.  Run back to apartment, snag said item, rush back out to catch bus.

6:25am  Wait for metrobus.  Read Twitter feed.  Check emails.

6:30am  Grumble that metorbus is late.  Again.  If I can be on time every morning, why cant the bus?

6:32am  Board bus.

6:45am  Arrive at bus station.  Catch metro into DC.

6:58am  Arrive at DC metro station.  Contemplate spending exorbitant amounts of money for a bucks coffee.

6:58am  Decide I love foamy caps.  Must have foam.


7:01am  Arrive at bucks.  Order new fav coffee- tall skim cap, dry.

7:03am  Obtain foamy cap.  Enjoy the warmth of the cup in hand and head to the office.

7:04am  Try not to slosh coffee and deflate foamy goodness.

7:07am  Arrive at office.  Bid adieu to my cell (and outside world) for next 4-5 hours.

7:10am  Turn on computers.  Work.

10:00am-ish  Take break.  Eat packed snack.  Wonder if I can squeeze in a nap after work.

10:00-noon-ish  Work.

12noon-ish Take lunch break- but go outside and walk around.  Contemplate making a run for it.  Think better when I remember the student loans I have…


12:45-3:30pm Work some more and finally head home.

3:30pm-4:30pm Commute home via metro and metro bus.

4:30pm-5:30pm Rest, change clothes (if going to Crossfit).

5:30pm-6:30pm Crossfit (or veg on the couch).

7:00pm-8:00pm Shower, eat, prep breakfast/lunch for the next day. Chat with bf.

8:00pm-9:30pm Watch tv, attempt to blog, catch up on other blogs.

9:30pm-10:00pm Get ready for bed.

10:00-10:30pm Stay up late reading twitter/blogs on iPhone. Try to fall asleep.

10:45pm Curse insomnia.

11:15pm Hopefully fall asleep.

ariel bed(I know I just used this, but I love it 🙂 )

Welp, not too exciting, huh?

No worries- tomorrow will be AWESOME!!


I should probably go finish packing…and get to sleep as I have to wake up at 4:00am.  Pray for me.

Have a fabulous Friday and great weekend!!  Can’t wait to share everything from Blend!!